CONGRATULATIONS to Legionnaire Lawrence Behling for his induction into ANAVICUS, an exclusive and honored component of the American Legion. Eighteen people were indicted in Washington, D.C., by the National Commander and National Dominion President of Canada. Legionnaire James Bass is also an ANAVICUS member. Larry was awarded the prestigious purple hat, lapel pin, and medal during the ceremony.
ANAVICUS stands for Army, Navy, and Air Force Veterans in Canada United States and is a unit of the Canadian veterans organization ANAVETS.
• To promote goodwill and partnership between veterans of the United States and Canada.
• To award scholarships in memory of distinguished ANAVICUS members.
• Membership is by invitation only.
• New members are inducted twice a year at the national convention and the Washington Conference.
• All members are past national commanders and other distinguished Legionnaires of the American Legion.
• Scholarships available through ANAVICUS.